"DESCRIPTION 1"="Sometimes the mouse cursor in Windows NT flickers because the refresh rate of the mouse port is to slow."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="You can use this setting to adjust the refresh rate of the port. The default value is 60, the highest value is 200 (higher number = smoother)."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="NOTE: It has been reported that this setting has no effect if you are using an ACPI-compilant PC and Windows 2000/XP. If this happens, use the Mouse Control Panel applet."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="WARNING: If you are using a notebook with a build-in mouse replacement (e.g. the Mouse Stick between the "G" and "H" keys), changing this option might make your mouse replacement UNUSABLE!"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to SMσK [mailto:smak-@gmx.net] for the bug-fix!"
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to Ray Anderson [rayda@us.ibm.com] for the "notebooks don't like it" notice..."